Through core programming and projects, NatureWILD is breaking barriers, the information gap on the missing link between people, their ways of life and conservation of ecosystems- while providing an avenue for them to meaningfully tell stories of causes that matter most to them.
The African Conservation Agenda should be owned and driven by us. Our people stand to harvest its benefits and it is also our responsibility.-H.E Paul Kagame
Virunga-Stewards of the Forest
The Virunga is a transboundary Landscape, one of the most biodiverse regions across the Africa continent rich in biodiversity and a series of endemic species of flora and fauna. Virunga-Stewards of the Forest is a story of people, communities who have for long lived by the edge of the forest, stood as its face and continue deriving livelihoods from the rich resource banks within these forest habitats.
The first phase of the documentary, through three episodes and a photo-series, is set to explore and feature how communities continue to protect the forest ecosystems of the Virunga and how it relates most closely to their cultures.
The Story and the Changemaker
The Story and the Changemaker is a tale that is redefining African narratives for conservation communication and storytelling. By connecting African passionate and experienced storytellers, we unpack, unravel the hidden mysteries that have for long defined African cultures, ways of life, landscapes at the intertwine of conservation and protection of natural and wild resources.This program is aimed to equip early career conservation storytellers with the skill to understand, comprehend and contribute meaningfully, tell stories of African landscapes that matter through cohort-and field based experiences. Keep an eye out on this webpage and sign-up to receive updates on how to be a part of the 2023 cohort which will be announced soon.